International Endurance Ride CEI-B
90 km - 31 July 1999 - Clervaux-Ardennes
Eldric Trophy Ride

Provisional Timetable - Nominated entries 2 July 99 Definite Entries 11 July 99
Friday, July 30 - General Information
17.00 hrs. Latest time of arrival for competitors
18.30 hrs. FEI Passport control Veterinary exam to permit entrance to stables and paddocks
20.00 hrs. Pre-ride Briefing
Saturday, July 31 - General Information
08.00 hrs. Mass start Abby Clervaux 90 km, Time limit for last arrival 18.10
Sunday, August 1 - General Information
09.00 hrs. Final Inspection for transport-permission for competing horses
10.00 hrs. Best condition Prize under saddle
10.30 hrs. Prize giving ceremony
Ground Jury: President: Troisfontaine, Michel, Belgium - Member: Brown, Cathy (GBR)

(c): HIPPOLINE webmaster: Claudia Müller - Redaktion & Fotos: Lou Brandenburger - e-mail